Monday, July 31, 2006

Grandchildren update!

At a time when war rips the Middle East (still) and poverty, sickness and misery affect much of humanity, it's good to know that there are some things that can still bring joy to my life. Dancing is one. My grandchildren are another.

I spent the last 3 1/2 days being pummelled, tackled, screeched at, cried to, and hugged and cuddled by two of the most beautiful children in the world. Marcy is six: a happy chatterbox who is frighteningly intelligent and helpful to the point of driving you crazy. Joe is three and, like all three-year-olds, has no volume or speed controls: he's full speed ahead and top volume all day long. And Marcy and Joe have a new sibling on the way, due in late September. I feel for my son and daughter-in-law, who will soon have three superturbocharged children to raise. But I'm happy, because I'll soon have three grandchildren to love and spoil, rather than just two.

And if I'm still worn out and exhausted and my ears are still ringing, I'm one of the happiest guys in the world, because I look at these wonderful children and see a little bit of myself carrying the family banner into a future that, sadly, is dangerous and uncertain. I can only hope that better and wiser people than myself can help us pull our collective heads out of our collective ... uh ... fannies and leave a world good enough for beautiful and loving children like these.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


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